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Summer Programs

Adventures with the Froggyman: Playing with Stories and Songs of Nature (Formerly "A Little Green")

Lively, big-time participatory fun in celebration of our friends from nature, from animals to alligators, ferns to frogs, even an audience act-out play with a stubborn turnip! Children love nature, and the more we nurture that love, the more naturally inclined they will be to appreciate and protect it. Elements include songs like The Earth is Our Mother with drum, This Pretty Planet with guitar, and of course, if you know me, the Alligator Stomp! Kids learn it and love it. A tale from Japan has a lazy man become inspired to save frogs (because he played near their lake as a child). The Tailor is the CLASSIC tale of recycling from coat to thread to…(a story). It’s a lively, participatory show (always), fun and funny mix for all ages.

Fairy House Adventure

Super popular! This program has a long track record of filling up community rooms. I bring supplies—natural and fairy baubles from beads to cloth. Libraries have packed houses with this theme, and the results are heart-throbbing in the way the kids envision a petal as a blanket, an acorn cap as a bowl. The videos I’ve taken of kids describing what they’ve made for the fairies will warm the cockles of your heart. (See a video of one below.) Kids go home creatively fulfilled and proud, as do their caretakers—who love to take part, too! I love how it feels to spend close-up time with small bits of nature—twigs, bark, acorn caps (all harvested only if on the ground) and the like, along with sparkly bits beloved by the fairies. I share a fairy poem, then everyone plunges in—like crazy!


Fairy Houses!

White Structure
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